Effectively Preventing Construction Employee Theft
Just when you thought that you might have solved the problem of construction site theft, another issue rears its head. Employee construction theft is a very real issue, accounting for some of the annual losses experienced by construction sites on a regular basis, thanks to the sheer number of opportunities workers have to a site’s many valuable tools and equipment.
In order to deter employees from stealing from their workplace – and in order to better equip your site from any tempted workers – there are a few things that can be done:
Background checks
Verifying the credentials and criminal histories of everyone on site is a crucial step in ensuring the security of your site’s valuables. This means performing background checks on everyone from employees to contractors, and from foremen to suppliers and hired security guards. (However, since many guards are hired via a third party, you might need to check in with their employer and verify whether a guard’s background check has been cleared.)
Proper training
Preparation is the best precaution, especially in the case of preventing internal theft. Arming all staff members with knowledge regarding proper equipment storage and on-site end-of-day security procedures will ensure that a precedent has been set for all employed at a site. This will help to ingrain in all workers the importance you have placed on securing your site’s valuables.
Report crimes
It may seem like a no-brainer, but reporting all instances of theft at a site will communicate to your workers the seriousness with which you treat crimes. This, according to Millennium Security Services, will help to deter employees from trying to steal from your site. As a bonus, making a habit of reporting all crimes will be helpful to both law enforcement officials and insurance claims reps.
Use unique markers
Every construction site is going to have some tools and equipment that thieves – whether internal or external – just can’t pass up. Understanding that some items may be more desirable than others may help you to decide which pieces should be marked with unique, identifying symbols or codes that may aid in their recovery if ever stolen. If employees are aware that these preventative measures are in place on site, it stands to reason that they won’t chance pilfering your goods. For more info on unique markers, check out our related blog post here.
Use surveillance
Monitoring the comings and goings on a site empowers you with the ability to see if any outsiders may be trespassing, vandalizing, or stealing. However, surveillance cameras like those provided by SentryPODS provide additional benefits in the fight against internal theft. For one, surveillance cameras may also allow you to monitor exactly which employees may be committing health and safety violations, time theft, or outright equipment theft. Footage caught on surveillance cameras can also aid in the recovery of stolen items, if the image of the thief caught on camera is clear enough.
Additionally, posting signage around a site that states that the premises are being monitored by cameras may deter internal and external thieves from going through with their looting.
For more info on all of the ways that surveillance cameras can help boost the security of your construction site, please check out our previous posts.

Brent Canfield
CEO and Creator of SentryPODSBrent Canfield, CEO, and founder of Smart Digital and SentryPODS, founded Smart Digital in 2007 after completing a nine-year active-duty career with the United States Marine Corps. During the 2016 election cycle, he provided executive protection for Dr. Ben Carson. He has also authored articles for Security Info Watch.